Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Classroom Christmas Parties!

The classroom Christmas parties in Muscle Shoals is quite a big deal. When I arrived at the school to help with the festivities I had to park at a nearby church. The school parking lot was overflowing. Also a new tradition to us is the treats for the party are almost always breakfast food. We had donoughts, pigs in a blanket, mini breakfast casseroles and Sunny D. Of course I had to post this photo...Bay is the "class clown" you might say.
Here is a shot of Bay with his classroom gift. You might notice it has "Flora Wolves Rule" in orange and blue across the front.
The gift for Jackson's class was personalized scarves. I made the scarves and Emma's grandma donated her time and embroidered scarves with each student's own initials. They were in Red and Black, the colors of our Muscle Shoals Trojans. Jackson is second from the right in the middle row.
Here the students are opening their classroom gifts and goodie bags.

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