Monday, December 8, 2008


The summer we moved down here the boys had been begging for a pet. They say Riley is great, but they want a pet they can take care of. We looked at gerbils, hamsters, fish and well, the list goes on and on. I had decided if we could find small turtles or small frogs then that would be ok. Well, last July Larry, Joe's dad, found a small land terrapin on his farm in Hoosier. Needless to say we brought it back to Alabama with us and it became our new pet. Soon after Larry found another for Jackson. I'll post photos of them soon. This brings me to today....a few weeks ago Bay's science class had the opportunity to adopt a millipede or fiddler crab. I had the chance to be there with him when he picked them out and we came home with a girl and a boy. The boy has a large claw and the girl has two small claws. So far they are great pets.
This is their home complete with a tree for climbing and a reservoir of salt water. The crabs are in the upper right corner of the photo.
It is much easier to see Bubba and Bubbles in this shot.

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