Friday, December 14, 2007

Louisville Fall Harvest Fesival 2007

We were in Illinois quite a bit from September to November. Of course, we had to go home for the annual Louisville Fall Harvest Festival and parades. It's crazy to think that 16 years ago I was riding in the parade and competing for the Miss Louisville Fall Festival title. Last year they had to hold the pageant in the high school gym, and that was the first time since I was crowned in 1991 on a cold, drizzly October Saturday. The next year Joe drove me through the parade as the reigning queen and parade marshall. The weather was much better! Now we share the parades and whole Fall Festival experience with our boys. They love to pick up the candy at the parade!
In the above photo Bay and Jackson are wearing their "veteran hats" their Great Grandpa Boose gave them. They had such a good time visiting with him. The boys love to look at his memorabilia from World War II. They are so proud and impressed that he is a soldier!
Jackson is watching the Flora Jr. High Band and waiting for more CANDY!!
Here is Bay waiting for....MORE CANDY!! He is in the brown jacket.
The lovely lady riding the horse is Miss Alexa Harrison. Her Mom is Stephanie G, one of my childhood friends. When we would come home from Oklahoma to visit, she and I would play with her Barbies. AAAhhh, the memories! Anyway Lexi and Bay are 7 months apart in age. We have some really cute photos of them playing together.

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