Saturday, August 28, 2010


We went on a short trip to Chattanooga, Tennessee over spring break. It was full of lots of fun stuff; however, my camera battery died and I hadn't brought the charger with me. Seriously! Joe saved the day and bought some disposable cameras, but of course they are not as clear...but we do still have pics and memories. Sweet little Max was teething, but he did quite well.
Jackson was trying with all of his might to beat the Muscle Man!

Max's first time in a pool. He loved it and the water was even warm enough for mom to get in and enjoy.

We loved the atmosphere and the food at a local corner restaurant. It was wonderful and reminded me of places in St.Louis. You'll notice the choo-choo in the background, that's the top of our hotel. We stayed at the Chattanooga Choo-Choo, but didn't opt to stay in a rail car so maybe next time.

That's our Bay, always the "ham".

The Rinehart Boys!

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