Saturday, August 28, 2010


For the past three years I have served as camp nurse at Oil Belt Christian Service Camp in Flora, Illinois. The actual campgrounds are only a couple of miles from where we lived when we were in Flora. This was Jackson's first year at the overnight camp and he did really well. He is still talking about his favorite things from camp, followed by "next year I want to...". So, I guess we'll be going in 2011.
Some of the water fun at church camp! Bay and Jax are in the middle in striped and dark blue trunks. A couple of their favorite guys are Casey Elmore and Aaron Cox. Mr.Cox is in the red shirt and Mr.Elmore is directly behind Bay. As a mom, it's comforting to know my boys look up to two great examples of christian young men making good life choices.

The giant slip-n-slide!

Bay's guitar solo at the camp talent showcase. He was so excited to get to play for friends from Illinois and even his Grandparents were able to come.

Here is Jackson, lined up and ready for dinner.

So much fun in praise and worship! Lots of singing, dancing and jumping, those kids have a lot of energy.

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