Thursday, October 23, 2008

AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY-Making Strides Against Breast Cancer

As some of you know I not only work in Women's Health, but I am passionate about advocating the importance of making your health and well-being a priority. As daughters, wives, mothers and friends we often place the needs of our loved ones before our own. While this is something we as women tend to do, we can not neglect ourselves. Wanting to be there for the people you love is important, so take care of yourself.

Randa and I first met in 2004 at the Mrs. Illinois America pageant and have remained close friends since that time. She is a true, genuine friend that I cherish, so when she was diagnosed with breast cancer in the summer of 2005 it was a shock. Randa had no family history, lead a healthy lifestyle and was only 37 years old. She did not fall into an "at risk" category. I am happy to say that today, October 4th 2008, she is still in remission and thriving. It is because of the work through the American Cancer Society, Susan G. Komen Foundation, National Foundation for Breast Cancer and countless others that my dear friend received the treatments she needed to continue raising her son and living her life. Never question if the money donated goes to those that need it. Whether it is through research, education, awareness or support the funds given are creating more survivors everyday. Breast Cancer does touch all of us in one way or another, so support the research and encourage the survivors.

Randa registering at the Survivors tent.

Morgan Dickey, Holly Torbeck , Kristin Melton, Randa Allen and myself, Julie Rinehart. The older gentleman in the middle of the group was a sweet man who approached us and requested a photo. He was excited to have so many "queens" in one place. He proudly showed us a photo of himself with our Miss Illinois America 2007 Ashley Hatfield. He and several of his family members are survivors of different types of cancer. It is true everyone has a story, it's just some stories are more colorful.

Here I am prior to the Making Strides Walk with Holly Torbeck and Morgan Dickey. I met each of them at the Mrs. Illinois America pageant. Holly was competing in 2007 when I passed on the title and Morgan was there competing for the 2008 title where I was on staff as a contestant coordinator.

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