Friday, November 14, 2008


I wanted to share a photo of my Grandpa Raymond Boose. He is a WWII veteran. Soldiers are proud people that do not want to be singled out for their acts of bravery, but would rather "do their job" and go on. My grandpa is no different. He has seen, smelled, heard, tasted and felt experience that I could never imagine. When I was a young girl I would listen to his stories and once in a blue moon he would tell us about the war. He was honest and told us with hesitation. I'm sure he didn't want us to know the horrors of war or what he went through. What I do know is that he is an amazing man who went to war to make sure his children, grandchildren and even those to follow could live in safety and security. He often tells Bayley that he "went to war, so Bay wouldn't have to". He received many honors including the bronze star and a purple heart. Grandpa would never tell you that, but it's true. At 97 years old he is a proud, independent, wonderful man still living in the home he shared with his wife, Loma and in which they raised their family. You can still find him listening to a baseball game on the radio and watching another on the TV. If you can't tell, I love him very much and am immensely proud of him. I honor all veterans and those serving our country, but I always say an extra prayer of thanksgiving for my grandpa.

Each year the Muscle Shoals fourth grade presents a patriotic program honoring our veterans the week of Veteran's Day. The kids did a wonderful job singing all of the songs and behaved very well while on stage. Bay and Jackson have talked all week about how Great Grandpa Boose is a WWII veteran and a true American hero. I'm so grateful that my boys have had the chance to know my grandpa and begin to understand what he did for our country.
Bay in the hallway at the high school immediately after the program. He was such a well-dressed a young man and is starting to look a little grown-up. As long as I have taught him style, my work here is done.
This is the full fourth grade on stage at the Muscle Shoals High School Auditorium. There are 8 classes and over 250 students in Bayley's grade.

Bay is in the middle looking at the audience. This is where I was waving and he was trying not to smile too much. You know he has to be cool collected when onstage.

1 comment:

The Meidel Family said...

I LOVE this! Especially the photo of your Grandpa...sorry if this comes through twice...having troubles on our end... ;)