Saturday, November 1, 2008

Happy Halloween Everyone!

We had a really enjoyable Halloween! It started with Pumpkin Day activities, then when the boys got home we carved pumpkins. Next thing we knew it was time to set the candy by the door and get ready to Trick or Treat. The boys had as much fun passing out candy as they did getting their own. When Joe got home he walked the boys around the neighborhood so they could do some Trick or Treating. Jax said I would slow them down because I talk to everyone along the way. After the candy haul we had a wonderful end to our evening at the Armstrong's. David and Sandy invited us for pizza, soup and smores while the kids all played. We had such a good time visiting and laughing. I didn't realize it was almost 11:30pm until I checked my watch and saw the time. We gathered the boys and walked home. Thanks to David, Sandy, Sam and Jake for a fun filled evening!
Yep, that's right Riley got in on the fun this year. It's not the first time she has dressed up, but it has been a while. The boys and I saw this dog costume at Wal-Mart and thought she would look adorable. Riley is such a good sport. She wore the costume from 5:30pm until about 11:30pm. She looked so has always been her color.

I guess the boys went with a movie theme when picking their costumes this year. Jackson was Prince Caspian from the new Chronicles of Narnia movie and Bay was Indiana explanation needed. As you can see in the photo Indy just returned from a mission where he got dirty from the explosions. They both loved their costumes and Jackson only took his off at bedtime because I made him.

Prince Caspian aka Jackson

Yeah, we even had a whip to complete Indy's outfit. I posted this one because Bay really wanted me to get an "action shot" since that is what Indiana Jones is all about...ACTION!

1 comment:

The Meidel Family said...

All the costumes are great...but there's a soft spot for Riley and her's...FUNNY!!! Glad it was so much fun and a good weekend for ya! Did the boys share any candy loot afterwards, or have you had to sneak it? I've had to sneak it, here... ;)