Thursday, April 17, 2008

Jackson's team the Yellow Jackets

Jackson is playing for the Yellow Jackets machine pitch team. He is in the 7-8yr old division and one of the youngest on his team. He plays with so much enthusiasm and determination, I just love to watch him play. He doesn't even mind when I cheer for him.
Jackson playing centerfield for the Yellow Jackets.

Jackson's first at bat for the season.

Those candid moments are sometimes the sweetest. It is so great to see Jackson enjoying his team and making new friends.

What a cute little baseball player!

Looks like pro material to me.


Well, it's that time again. The crack of the bat, chatter from the outfielders and of course the moms trying to get the grass stain out the WHITE baseball pants. Oh please, who's idea was that...let's think about this: boys, green grass and red soil. HHHmmmm, what color should we go with, oh I know....WHITE! Granted the colors are assigned and the coaches have no control, but surely there was a mom nearby when this conversation occurred. At this age they slide even if they don't need to, so there is a great deal of Shout being used at our house this spring. Having said this, the style maven in me likes the white pants because they look good. I guess if I wear shoes that are awesome even if they hurt, I can grin and bear white baseball pants.
Bay is playing for the Beavers and has the same baseball coach as he had for basketball, yeah!

Bay gave a good effort, but got on base because he got hit in the head by the pitcher. Yes, can we all say "Thank God for batting helmets"! He took the hit and stayed standing, pretty tough young man if I say so myself. I gotta give myself credit too, I didn't jump over or through the fence to save my baby. There is nothing like the sound of your child getting beamed in the helmet by a baseball.

Standing on the hard earned second base.

Bay is crossing home plate.....he's SAFE!

(He didn't even slide, that's my boy.)

A visit with Great Grandpa Boose

Over the Easter weekend we visited my Grandpa Boose. Bay and Jackson love going there to hear his stories and checkout all of this collectibles. They are particularly drawn to the "army stuff", as they call it. Below Jackson is showing off the German helmet from World War II. We are extremely proud of Grandpa Boose. He was an active soldier in WWII and received many medals for his service. Of course, he doesn't like to tell the stories, he is a humble man not asking for attention. He just turned 96 in April. He is incredible!
Ok, for the record, yes that is an Alabama shirt my youngest is sporting; HOWEVER, it was a gift from a special person...or he would not be wearing it. Miss Davis, his former teaching intern, gave him this shirt for his birthday. She is such a sweet person, whom we really like and Jackson simply adores her. Now he will have a shirt for the Alabama/Auburn day at school. He keeps saying "I hope Miss Davis is my teacher next year".
It is really sweet for me to see my boys playing in the same yard I did as a child. I loved to walk down the street to my Grandma and Grandpa Boose's home and spend the day just doing nothing, but being a kid. The boys found a great climbing tree and scaled right up.
Bay and Jackson with their Great Grandpa Boose and our dog Riley.

Happy Easter!

We traveled back to southern Illinois for the Easter weekend. Much to our chagrin it was quite CHILLY AND WINDY. It even was spitting snow as we drove home on Easter Sunday. As always it was nice to see our family and just be home for a little while. The boys really enjoyed playing with all of their cousins. The chance to go to our home church for Easter was wonderful. We miss you all very much!
Easter morning Bay and Jackson woke to find that the Easter Bunny had found them...all of the way in Illinois. They were excited to get candy, toys and some new movies perfect for watching on the way back to Alabama.

All spiffed up and ready for church.

All of the Cammon GrandKids- Bay, baby Maya, Vayda, Sydney, baby Ella, Ava and Jackson

Little Miss Vayda looked beautiful in her Easter dress. She has such pretty peaches and cream skin with that vibrant strawberry hair... that's a cutie! I just love it because she is such a girlie girl. Vayda loves her purses, bracelets, shoes and everything GIRL!