Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Bayley's Baptisim

It's has probably been over a year since Bay has seriously been talking about making his statement of faith and being baptized. He has grown up in church and I was hoping this really was God touching his heart and mind. We have spent time talking about how important the decision is and that this is something he will do when he is ready. Well, the week at camp gave Bay the opportunity to speak with our preacher Dusty about his decision. We are so proud of him!
Bayley making his confession of faith. He stepped right up to the front of the church, spoke clearly and was very confident in his decision. He is becoming such a strong young man.

Bay wanted to be baptized at our home church in Illinois, Red Brush Christian Church. There all of the Grandparents and extended family can share in this joy with us. I really thought I would cry, but I just smiled with pride at my little boy making such a big decision. Thank you God for this amazing blessing!

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