Wednesday, September 3, 2008

First Chance Camp at Oil Belt Christian Service Camp

Last year Bay was able to attend Day Camp at Oil Belt prior to our moving. He really enjoyed it and went back this year for First Chance Camp. This is where all of the 4th graders have the opportunity to attend camp for a shortened week. I was lucky enough to be the Camp Nurse this week as well. That is how I have all of these photos. After all, it is camp and parents don't stay at camp with the kids. We had 67 girls and 63 boys for a grand total of 130 campers. I thought we were pretty successful since we only had 5 go home. While at camp we had 8 baptisms and 1 to be baptized in their home church. Camp Nurse was an exhausting job, but so fulfilling to watch the children as they learned about Christ and what it means to live a christian life. What a blessing to have been there that week.
Bay with his long time friend Grant Wolfe.

Our fearless leader of Red Brush Christian Church, Dusty Elmore, takin' out the kids at dodge ball. By the way, Joe loves this General Lee shirt...yeah, Joe has it too.

All the campers were playing in the activities, but if you look in the background the building with the pattern on it is actually all of the campers hand prints from last year. Bay's is there somewhere, but he couldn't remember so there is no photo with him by his hand print. Maybe we will find it next year.

Chill'n out in the shade during canteen.

Bay with one of his camp buddies from Effingham.

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