Tuesday, September 9, 2008

We're Off to DISNEY....YEAH!!!

Today started really early with us rolling out of bed at 5am. We only live about an hour from Huntsville Airport so we could sleep at home and have a short drive to start our vacation. The boys are so excited to be flying again. To them, the airport and airplane experience is part of the "cool stuff". The guys are all at the pool right now, but I wanted to share these photos with everyone in the family.
Joe Bay and Jackson waiting at the airport in Huntsville, AL.

The boys thought the astronaut was really big and cool.

Bay and Jackson hit the gift store to scope out souvenir possibilities and purchase their autograph books. They found these hilarious hats, which of course they had to try on...which gave me a great photo opportunity. Bay is really playing up the whole Goofy role, teeth and all!

Bay and Jackson playing bigger than life checkers at the All Star Movies resort where we are staying. We were all really jazzed to stay in the Buzz Lightyear building.

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