Saturday, August 28, 2010


I am richly blessed to be able to stay home and be with Max and my two big boys. Our summer was filled with Bay and Jackson enjoying Max's milestones as much, maybe more, than Joe and I. This little man is just so darn cool!

He likes to "play the drum" on an empty cookie dough container. I guess that's like playing with the box instead of the toy...right?

We bought this sock monkey jack-in-the-box because he just loved at Target. Max will turn the crank and then jump and giggle when the monkey pops out. Hilarious!!

My beautiful baby boy!

One of his favorite things has become the yellow shapes container. He puts the shapes in it, but also pop beads and anything little enough to fit. I'm so glad we kept most of the boy toys from when they were babies and toddlers. Max will think it's Christmas all year long.

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